Bubble and OneSignal Integration

Save 3+ hours of development by integrating your Bubble installation to OneSignal, using our easy-to-use and affordable plugin.

Do more with the OneSignal plugin

Connect OneSignal with your favorite apps and automate your workflow effortlessly. This plugin integrates seamlessly with Bubble, freeing up your time for what matters most—no code required. Enhance your app’s notifications, automate messages, and boost user engagement with ease.

Supported Endpoints

Create Notification

Send targeted notifications to your users.

View Notification

Access detailed information about sent notifications.

View Multiple Notifications

Retrieve data on multiple notifications simultaneously.

Cancel Scheduled Notification

Manage and cancel upcoming notifications.

Create New User

Seamlessly add new users to your OneSignal account.

View User Identity

Search and view user identities by subscription.

Create Alias

Manage user identities with aliases for easier tracking.

Update Subscription

Modify subscription details by Subscription ID.

View Subscription's IAMs

Access IAM (Identity and Access Management) details for subscriptions.

Transfer Subscription

Move subscriptions between users or devices.

Delete Subscription

Remove subscriptions that are no longer needed.

Update Template

Customize notification templates to fit your needs.

View Multiple Templates

Get an overview of all your notification templates.

View Template

Access details of individual templates.

Delete Template

Remove outdated or unnecessary templates.

View Segments

Segment your audience for more targeted notifications.

Export Audience Activity CSV

Export detailed audience activity for analysis.

Export Subscriptions CSV

Download a CSV file of all subscriptions for better management.

About OneSignal

OneSignal is your ultimate push notification solution. Perfect for no-code developers, it integrates seamlessly with Bubble, enabling you to send targeted push notifications, automate messages, and track user engagement effortlessly. Enhance your Bubble apps with powerful notification tools, all without coding.

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